Front -End Web Development

This Course is created for a basic understanding of how UIs are created on the web and for those who wants to brush up outdated UI development knowledge. Or maybe you'd like to learn more about the medium you're designing for and gain basic tools for prototyping designs? Do you want a better understanding of the web and how Google makes the pages that are its face to the world? If so, "HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from the Ground Up" is for you.

Instructors:Dustin Diaz, Greg Veen, Lindsey Simon, Ryan Carver, Sean Mcbride (all Google Engineers)

Table of Contents

* Introduction
* JavaScript

Note: Here are the lesson exercises supporting files 



HTML Presentation

HTML Exercise


CSS Presentation

CSS Walkthrough

CSS Exercise


JavaScript Presentation

JavaScript Exercise

This is Google's work and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License