Lab contains 50 marks the sample problems are as follows:
1.Write a program to find the largest of three numbers. (if-then-
2. Write a program to find the largest of ten numbers. (for statement)
3. Write a program to find the average mail height & average female
heights in the class (input is in the form of sex code, height).
4.Write a program to find roots of a quadratic equation using
functions and switch statements.
5. Write a program using arrays to find the largest and second
largest number out of given 50 numbers.
6. Write a program to multiply two matrices.
7. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order.
8. Write a program to concatenate two strings of different lengths.
9. Represent a deck of playing cards using arrays.
10.Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or
11.Programs on file handling.
1.Write a program to find the largest of three numbers. (if-then-
2. Write a program to find the largest of ten numbers. (for statement)
3. Write a program to find the average mail height & average female
heights in the class (input is in the form of sex code, height).
4.Write a program to find roots of a quadratic equation using
functions and switch statements.
5. Write a program using arrays to find the largest and second
largest number out of given 50 numbers.
6. Write a program to multiply two matrices.
7. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order.
8. Write a program to concatenate two strings of different lengths.
9. Represent a deck of playing cards using arrays.
10.Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or
11.Programs on file handling.