1. Basic Structure of Direct view Storage Tube ( DVST ) . lso discuss its working
Calculating the points with Bresenham's algorithm for circle whose radius = 10 and center is (0,0)
Write transformation matrix for scaling in 3D homogenous coodinate system
Find out the pixel location approximating the second ocatnant of circle having center at C(0,) amd radius 8 using midpoint method .
3. Write and explain the Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping
Find the matrix that represents rotation of an onject by 30 degree about the origin . What are the new coordinates of the point P(2,-4) after the rotation .
Write and explain the boundary fill and flood fill algorithm .
Write and explain the scan-line ploygon filling algorithm .
What do you mean by projection ? Discuss various types of projections .